Starting 21.10.2017 featuring 50x rates and unique features, special items, good class balance and much more.
High Five Xp 50xMax +16 Visit
The concept is based as a long-running non P2W, emulating the official server in the High Five era. The Best of is implemented in game auto-farm system FOR FREE, your character keep farming while you sleep or work.
High Five L2JXp 2xMax +16 Visit
L2JServices Interlude, H5, Classic and Essence Servers. Check all created servers in our website!
Interlude L2JXp 100xMax +16 Visit
Welcome to your Mid Rate x5 High Five Server. This is a small on man project. Invite some Friends to Join Us Multi Skill Stuck Subclasses, 2 Hour Buffs, Auto Mana HP Potions Drop Calculator to teleport to Monster With Carftworld Coins Bank
High Five Xp 5xMax +25 Visit
L2 Prolog - High Five Multiskill [x5] DDoS Protection Auto-create accounts!
High Five L2JXp 5xMax +50 Visit
-Server Rates- - RateXp 1000. - RatePartyXp 1.5 - RateDropAdena 2000. - Drop 1x. - Spoil 1x. - Safe enchant 4 on all - Max Enchant 20 - Normal Scrolls 16 60 - Blessed Scrolls 16 80 - Crystal Scrolls 20 100
Interlude L2JXp 1000xMax +16 Visit
| PvP Server | XP/SP 500x | Safe: +3 Max: +20 | Extra features ALT+B | Mass PvP Server | Heroes every 7 days | Automatic Events | Equilibrated Class |
High Five L2JXp 500xMax +20 Visit
Very Crafting friendly 10x server with NPC Buffer, autofarm, autoevents, class balancing, Rebirth System, custom zones, drops, spoils and many more. Many quality of life improvements. No GM shop, everything is earned. Join now and enjoy!
High Five L2JXp 10xMax +16 Visit
Lineage 2 Delirium High Five | Rates x500 | Automatic Events | Party and Solo Event | Olympiad Every 7 Days | Balanced Class | Grand Opening 12/22/2023.
High Five L2JXp 500xMax +16 Visit
L2 VesperOffline
EXP/SP/ADENA x1000 Unlimited Vitality Bonus Max Enchant +18 | Safe Enchant +6 Common Scrolls Chance 70% Free 1st, 2nd, 3rd Class & Subclasses Buff Slots 36 | Dance Slots 12 | Time 3h Full GM Shops, NPC Buffers & Lux GKs No Clan penalties or
High Five L2JXp 1000xMax +18 Visit
Long Term Crafting friendly 4x server with autofarm, Rebirth system, autoevents, class balancing and custom rnrnrnzones, drops, spoils and many more. rnNo GM shop, everything is earned. rnMany quality of life rnimprovements. rnrnJoin now and enjoy!
High Five L2JXp 4xMax +16 Visit
High Five Rates 500x 500x 250x Many Automatic Events PvP All Time AntiBot Custom Npcs Custom Areas Farm 7 Years Online 700 Players Online The Best Server PvP Join Now
High Five Xp 500xMax +25 Visit
2023.12.15 GMT+2 21:00 x5 HARD PVP GRAND OPENING MAX ENCHANT +55!! SAFE +10 !! Custom Farm ZONES +Raid Zones reworked drop x1 system 100% Donate/Fa DROP From MOBS +25 Items in Shop
High Five L2JXp 5xMax +55 Visit
• Chronicles of Server: Interlude. Rate: x1000. Classic game with a unique idea. Game starts in Town of Goddard allready from 80 LvL. • Absolutely everything can be achieved by gaming. • Maximum enchant +20. Chance of 70% to 90%.
Interlude L2JXp 1000xMax +20 Visit
L2 EternoOpening 05 Jan, 2024, 20:00 (UTC -3)
Experiência (EXP): 50X | Pontos de Habilidade (SP): 50X | Adena: 50X | Buffs, Dances, Songs: 1 Hora | Buff Slots: 26+4+12 | Você está convidado(a) a conhecer o L2 Eterno!
High Five L2JXp 50xMax +16 Visit
L2Uma PvPOffline
?? L2 UMA X2000 ???? ?Chronicle Interlude Custom PvP ?Custom Weapons: Gold weapons ?Custom Armors: Apella, Dynasty, Rykros ?Custom Mask Custom Tattoo ( Level 1 , Premium )
Interlude L2JXp 2000xMax +20 Visit
Opening 01-03-24 L2 Addicts - Lineage 2 Interlude international Retail No Custom / x15 Exp SP / Dualbox / No rnrnBots / Party Farm / Event PvP / Vip for Vote. Join us!
Interlude L2JXp 15xMax +20 Visit
L2-HellRoad - Interlude x2000rn Custom Serverrn Mass PvPrn Optimized class balancern Advanced anti-cheat rnrnrnprotectionrn Exciting special eventsrn Grand opening: January 14th at 20:00 GTM +2rn Website: rnrn
Interlude L2JXp 2000xMax +20 Visit
BASIC INFORMATION Experience Rates: x300 Chronic: High Five ENCHANT RATES Safe +6 Max +20 AUGMENTATION & ELEMENT RATES Top Grade Life Stone lvl 84 (Rate 90% for top augment) Crystal Stone one click Lv 7 100%
High Five L2JXp 300xMax +20 Visit
Casual low rates grind with 450 attribute stones and safe enchants available for endgame farming.rnrnAll rates x5.rnNPC buffer - 2 hour buffs.rnCustom event shop.rnChampion mobs x2HP.rnCustomised Grand Bosses.
High Five L2JXp 5xMax +65535 Visit

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